Hiroshima: the history of the city 広島の歴史

Hiroshima, a destiny between war and peace

If Hiroshima evokes the memory of the atomic bomb, the city has a rich past, having played an important role since the time of feudal Japan. With more than a million locals, Hiroshima is today a major city on the Japanese archipelago, a symbol of peace.


Le dôme de la bombe

Flickr Luca Sartoni

The first atomic bomb in Hiroshima


During World War II, Hiroshima was the base of the 2nd Japanese General Army and the Chubu Regional Army. It also houses a lot of military types of equipment.

Initially spared by the aerial bombardments of the Americans, rather than concentrate on Tokyo, Hiroshima will, unfortunately, become the first city in history to experience an atomic bombardment. While Nazi Germany surrendered on May 8, 1945, Japan clings to its imperialist dreams, led by its leader, Emperor Hirohito (1901-1989).

To force a surrender, US President Harry Truman decides to resort to nuclear weapons, and Hiroshima is chosen for its crucial role in the military supply. On Monday August 6, 1945, at 8.15 am, a B-29 bomber flying over the city dropped an atomic bomb named "Little Boy". The device explodes at an altitude of 600 meters, above Shima Hospital, in the heart of the city.

Bombe hiroshima

Le dôme d'Hiroshima détruit

Wikimedia Commons


Vue sur Hiroshima

Flickr Peter Cartledge

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