The Japanese, by Raphael Languillon-Aussel

Break the codes


The book The Japanese is part of an already well-stocked collection of some forty works devoted to the peoples of the entire world. " Lines of Life of a People " by Ateliers Henry Dougier seeks to break the clichés and paint a portrait of those who embody change in their society and who are open to the world.

It's not the Japanese you'll meet on any street corner who tell their story to the author Raphaël Languillon-Aussel. About twenty characters, sometimes on the margins of society or judged for their choices, break the codes.

The demographic issue of Japan is at the heart of the concerns of the people, especially the provincials who see their cities dying out. Finding one's place in a very codified society is also a recurring subject, among young people but not only!


To go further: Works to read and see before a trip to Japan

Les Japonais de Raphaël Languillon-Aussel

The Japanese by Raphaël Languillon-Aussel

Henry Dougier and Raphaël Languillon-Aussel workshops

Life lines of a people

In this book, you will discover personalities far removed from the image that we often have of Japan and its people, for fascinating testimonies and a certain authenticity...

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