Odaiba お台場

Ventimila leghe sotto i mari

Isola artificiale conquistata sulle acque dell’oceano Pacifico, questoquartiere futurista nasce e cresce sotto il segno del piacere.

Aboard the Yurikamome monorail, which leaves from Shimbashi Station, passing from one island to another via the Rainbow Bridge provides a breathtaking view of Tokyo Bay. Yokoso (welcome) to Odaiba! This defiance to nature rose out of the water, to grow, like a bamboo, in the 1990s, a village of a new kind. Architecture fans will not miss the headquarters of Fuji Television, designed by Kenzo Tange (1913-2005). The building is recognizable from afar by its gigantic sphere, a kind of spaceship poised between two towers, which is actually an observation platform.

A myriad of activities, synonymous with relaxation and entertainment, attracted a lot of people at the weekend. Odaiba beach and its restaurants, Oedo-Onsen amusement park dedicated to the joys of the baths, the Tokyo Joypolis designed by the creator of Sega games, Venus Fort shopping mall, the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan), and many others offer fleeting enjoyment, like the fireworks Tokyo Bay in August.


You might be interested in these other areas of Tokyo:

The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
The International Exhibition center
The Statue of Liberty replica
The indoor amusement park featuring Sega, video games
The Fuit TV headquarters observatory on Tokyo Bay
The life-size giant robot statue

Tutti nostre case

Ikebukuro, Tokyo

  • 62m²
  • 5 persone
  • Wi-Fi

Ikebukuro, Tokyo

  • 56m²
  • 5 persone
  • Wi-Fi

Ikebukuro, Tokyo

  • 43m²
  • 4 persone
  • Wi-Fi

Kami-Ikebukuro, Tokyo

  • 28m²
  • 2 persone
  • Wi-Fi

Kami-Ikebukuro, Tokyo

  • 97m²
  • 7 persone
  • Wi-Fi

Ikebukuro, Tokyo

  • 43m²
  • 4 persone
  • Wi-Fi
Tutti nostre case a Tokyo (8)

Tutti nostre attività

  • Durata : 2 ore
  • Location : Tokyo
  • Durata : 2 ore
  • Location : Tokyo
  • Durata : 5 ore
  • Location : Tokyo
  • Durata : 2 ore
  • Location : Tokyo
  • Durata : 8 ore
  • Location : Tokyo
  • Durata : 3 ore
  • Location : Tokyo
Scopri i nostre attività (169)

Tutti nostri Tour

  • Durata : 9 giorni
  • Locations : Tokyo, Hakone Mt Fuji, Kyoto
  • Durata : 13 giorni
  • Locations : Tokyo, Hakone Mt Fuji, Kyoto, Nara, Hiroshima, Miyajima
Scopri i nostri Tour (2)

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